Saturday, January 23, 2016

Dr. Tam Mateo Miracle Tea and Live Green Product Review and Experience

After I attended Dr. Tam’s seminar, I was so inspired to live healthy and to detoxify my body with hope that it will help me with my liver and gallbladder problems. I was diagnosed with Cholelithiasis and Fatty Liver last 2013. I had excruciating pain whenever I get too full, ate too much fatty foods or even if I only get too overwhelmed with the smell of foods. I was so paranoid reading articles on how gallstones can eventually lead to pancreatic or liver cancer. Being so desperate to live longer and not to develop further harm to my body, I started doing some exercise and became disciplined on what I eat. I do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and started on a balanced diet which made me lost 10 kg in a period of 3 months. (more information here on how I lost weight). I bought Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea and Live Green and decided to give it a try and to see if it will help with my health problems.

First, let’s take a look at what composes these products. Miracle Tea comes in a 750 mL bottle which is a healthy combination of herbs such as Cinnamon Bark, peppermint, Jamaican sarsaparilla, ginger-rhizome, prunos nigra and many other organic ingredients. It is said that wastes from the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat are gathered through the blood stream and are carried to various eliminatory organs such as liver, gallbladder, kidney and colon. This is an ongoing process and this way, body wastes and food residue should be expelled in less than 24 hours, otherwise, putrefaction will take place and the accumulated wastes and toxins in the body will invite illness and interfere with our body functions. The Miracle Tea works by releasing the toxins from colon, liver, gallbladder and kidneys. It also has an anti-mutagenic property that stops the incubation of disease.

Live green, on the other hand, is a combination of an Egyptian wheat grass known as “Kamut”, Alfalfa, and Barley. All of these three are a rich source of Chlorophyll, not to mention other nutrients and enzymes. They are even called Super Foods due to the many benefits they bring to our body. Chlorophyll is the most superior antioxidant available for us. It is a very powerful healing and cleansing agent, a cell stimulator and rejuvenator, and has oxygenating properties to tissues and blood.

 I consumed a total of 2 bottles for the Miracle Tea and two bottles of the Live Green for two months and here are my unbiased thoughts and experience. First, these products come with specific instructions written on a paper. It basically says when to take these products and how much. Refer to the picture below for these instructions.

As for me, I decided to start taking the tea after New Year since I would like to go vegetarian while taking the tea. Oh well, my plans went hay wire when my gallstones reacted to lots of food I consumed during Christmas season. I had excruciating pain I was about to cry because that means a sleepless night. That’s when I thought of the tea. I took it and in just 30 minutes the pain from my gallstones was gone. I am not saying that the gallstones were dissolved since nothing can dissolve it unless you have it removed through operation. Yeah, I have tried all of those gallbladder or liver flush and they are fake and they don’t work, well, at least for me. When I had pain from gallstone attacks, only pain medications can handle them. I am not a fan of drugs and any medicines from pharmacies, so knowing that this Miracle Tea can help me relieve the pain is really really a blessing for me. I continued taking the Miracle Tea since then and started taking the Live Green with it the next morning. As expected, the next morning I felt a sudden urge to defecate. It is an urge and it is not painful unlike when you take Biguerlai tea. My poop that time smelled so foul, there were black sediments and even some oil. I also noticed that my lower abdomen became smaller, which made me realized  that the tea’s slimming properties was also true. The following were the advantages and disadvantages I’ve experienced while taking the tea:


1.                   It is a natural laxative. You would need to defecate to remove the toxins in your colon. Miracle Tea is very effective as a natural laxative.

2.                   It is very effective in stopping pain due to gallbladder stones.

3.                   I don’t easily get tired when I am taking the Live Green.

4.                   My sister had flu, I let her took the Live Green and tomorrow morning she was well.

5.                   Miracle Tea really can flatten the stomach, makes you feel lighter and makes you feel full easily after eating.

6.                   I also observed that I never had cravings for salty foods, sweets, junkfoods and fastfoods. In addition, I don’t get hungry easily. It seems like Live Green is already providing enough nutrients, I don’t need so much additional food.

7.                   I am getting a good glow on my skin plus my acne is starting to improve.


1.       The laxative effect of the tea diminishes on my 5th day of taking the tea. It could be that my body is already adapting to its effects that I became resistant of its effects.

2.       The Miracle Tea causes me some sort of Gastritis when I took the tea on my 8th day. It feels like there’s air in my stomach that can’t get out, it is quiet painful but manageable. My boyfriend who also took the tea experiences the same.

3.       After the 10th day of taking Miracle tea, I became constipated. It seems like my body became dependent on the tea for defecating.

4.       The price of the Miracle Tea is P1,495 for a 750 ml bottle while the Live Green costs P1,395 which made it hard to continue taking the product

The Verdict:   It is already amazing that these products helped stopping the pain brought by my gallstones. I know a lot of people who had the same problem and they might benefit with this product. It is quiet pricey, but if you will think of it, we shouldn’t think twice if it is for our health. It will cost us more if we will go to the hospital for treatments. These products works, but like other supplements, it has its side effects, although they are only minimal. We shouldn’t think that we need these just to be healthy. To be healthy, it still boils down to a simple way, and that is to eat right, exercise right, drink lots of water, and sleep well. We heard and see them a lot of times. They are basic but it takes a lot of discipline to do. It is never too late to start loving our body and taking care of it. No one will benefit from it but us.

If you would want to try Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea and Live Green, you can drop by their office at Pasig City. Sometimes, they have a promo like buy one take one.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, i want to know how your gallbladder is doing now, when you wrote u had stones when u wrote ur blog.
